Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hot Button Issue

You ever felt like everything you ever believed in was wrong? That your voice and your opinion did not count and did not matter? Like you were the target that every one in the world were throwing towards? Well welcome to my world where it is so hard to fit into. Better yet, this country because so many people have their own beliefs on the way of life. The way you were raised is not your fault. It is nothing you can help or control. It is simply in the past and for long carried in the future. "It is okay. It is not your fault." Is what I keep saying to myself but it's so hard to remain that mantality when it seems like I'm the only one who believes it's not. I do not discriminate. That is not my duty. That is not my life. I love everyone the way I want to be loved. THAT is the way I was raised. I was also raised to stick to my ground and beliefs...I can't accommodate everyone. It is a big world but there is only one me. I am in control of myself. I am in control of why do I still feel like that doesn't matter?

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